Chest Pain

Chest Pain

Chest pain isn’t a condition, but rather the primary symptom of heart attack and heart problems. You should never take chest pain lightly: Seek the expertise of a cardiologist like Dr. Craig Peterson at Eastern Shore Heart Center. Dr. Peterson’s practice in Fairhope, AL is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools to determine whether your heart health is at risk, allowing you to get treatment promptly. To learn more, call or book an appointment online.

Chest Pain Q & A

Chest pain presents itself in several ways, including:

  • Sharp, stabbing pain
  • A dull ache
  • A heaviness or crushing sensation
  • Burning

In some cases, this pain may radiate out to your neck or back or travel down one or both arms.

If you’re experiencing chest pain, call Dr. Peterson to set up an appointment right away to see if your cardiovascular health is at risk. If your chest pain is severe and you’re having trouble breathing, call 911. Often, your lungs or digestive system can cause chest pain, but when it comes to your heart, it’s always better not to take any chances.

After a quick blood pressure test, Dr. Peterson will sit down with you to review your symptoms, as well as your medical history. From there, Dr. Peterson will perform tests based on this information. These tests may include:


Dr. Peterson orders blood screenings to determine a few key factors, such as:

  • Cholesterol levels
  • The presence of inflammation
  • Glucose levels for diabetes concerns
  • Imaging

Dr. Peterson turns to imaging technologies to check the function of your heart. These include:

  • Ultrasound of your abdominal aorta
  • Nuclear stress test to measure blood flow
  • 3D echocardiogram, which is an ultrasound of your heart
  • Stress tests

Eastern Shore Heart Center is equipped with the latest technology to check your heart function, including:

  • Treadmill stress testing
  • Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring to measure your heart’s electrical activity
  • Carry-along event recorder, heart rate monitor to record your heart rhythms

After exhaustive testing, Dr. Peterson has a much clearer picture of how your heart is functioning and what may be causing your chest pain, which may have nothing to do with your heart after all. If that’s the case, Dr. Peterson may recommend that you see another doctor to get to the source of your pain.

If Dr. Peterson identifies a cardiovascular issue in the results of your tests, imaging, and screenings, he can start treating you. Treatment for heart problems largely depends on the source and extent of the problem, but typically includes:

  • Medications
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Medical procedures

If you’re experiencing chest pain, it is critically important that you seek immediate medical attention. Call Eastern Shore Heart Center or use our convenient form.

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